Spring 2010 Service Weekend

From May 21st to May 23rd, we participated in the 2010 Spring Service Weekend. Dancers included Jeff Stallings, Nick Long, Sam Beuglass, Adam Parker, Caleb Denson, and Quentin Parzych. We all learned on Friday exactly why the boys set up the tipis as the adults of the dance team took a stunning three tries to get a tipi up.

On Saturday we participated in the Brotherhood ceremony welcoming 28 Ordeal members to Brotherhood. The day was spent crafting and getting ready for the night.

That night we all attended the two Ordeal ceremonies. After the ceremonies, Jeff Stallings lead new and old members in a Round Dance. We had a small turnout this time, but the participation was still quite high. Everyone had a great time. Sunday morning we all made a record and had both tipis taken down and packed before 7:30. We also have two interested scouts looking for a place in the dance team.

Jeff Stallings
Nawakwa Lodge Dance Team Chief

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